by Jerry Peck - Codeman on Thu Oct 22, 2009 4:08 pm
The 1994 Standard Building Code states:
- B411.2.6 Automobile parking garages shall be separated from other occupancies in accordance with B704.
- - EXCEPTION: Separation is not required between a Group R3 building and an attached garage.
- R3: Residential occupancies including the following:
- - Child care facilities which accommodate five or less children of any age for any time period.
- - One and two family dwellings where the occupants are primarily permanent in nature and not classified as R1, R2, or I.
The 1997 puts a new twist in that section by changing the wording, and thus confusing the situation:
- - Where the exterior walls of two or more buildings located on the same lot face one another, and one of the walls is not constructed as required for a fire wall, a property line shall be assumed between them. The fire resistance requirements for such facing walls and for the protection of openings therein shall be the same as required by this code for walls and openings facing an assumed property line, as provided in Table B600.
- - - EXCEPTION: Fire resistance separation shall not be required between a dwelling and its detached private garage.
That has since become simply "separation" IS required in the newer codes, and the reference to "fire resistance" has been dropped as "separation" and "fire resistance" rated assemblies are two different things.
The code following the 1997 Standard Building Code was the 2000 IRC, which the change to "separation" became official and is required to be the same as is today.
Jerry Peck - CodeMan
Construction Litigation Consultant - Retired
Construction and Code Consultant - Semi Retired