by Jerry Peck - Codeman on Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:02 am
Hi Richard,
I've been looking for a more precise and applicable reference to give you, but it turns out to be one of those "The building code is a minimum standard and does not, cannot, address basic construction knowledge or common sense." aspect.
From the 2004 Florida Building Code, Residential, w/2006 Revisions:
- - - R301.1.3 Engineered design.
- - - - When a building of otherwise conventional construction contains structural elements exceeding the limits of Section R301 or otherwise, not conforming to this code, these elements shall be designed in accordance with accepted engineering practice. The extent of such design need only demonstrate compliance of nonconventional elements with other applicable provisions and shall be compatible with the performance of the conventional framed system. Engineered design in accordance with the Florida Building Code, Building is permitted for all buildings and structures, and parts thereof, included in the scope of this code.
Pool screen enclosure members are typically attached to what is referred to as a 'structural gutter', and that structural gutter is attached to the structure as required by the engineering.
If the fascia is a 2x fascia, then most likely the gutter could be attached to the fascia. However, if the fascia is a 1x fascia, then the gutter would more likely have to be attached through the fascia to the rafter or truss tails.
It is not unusual to find fascia which is wood decayed, and that could lead to the failure of the fasteners and attachment points/brackets/etc, which could allow the screen enclosure framing to pull the gutter loose under uplift conditions (typically, under gravity load conditions, the weight of the screen enclosure frame itself will help hold the structural gutter to the structure). I have, as several occasions, found where the weight of the screen enclosure frame on the structural gutter has caused the structural gutter to sag, and upon examination I could always see the lag bolts being pulled down and out at an angle through wood decayed fascia.
The answer to your question would be that the applicable code would be the engineering.
One improvement which could be made in this process is that, while the screen enclosure is already "engineered", the installation of it is not "signed off by the engineer". If the screen enclosure designer was also required to inspect each installation, then issue an engineer's letter stating that the screen enclosure was installed in accordance with the engineering design, and sign and seal that letter, the engineer would (I would hope) make sure the screen enclosure was attached to the structure as they intended it to be.
Jerry Peck - CodeMan
Construction Litigation Consultant - Retired
Construction and Code Consultant - Semi Retired