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Enclosed Parking Garage

Enclosed Parking Garage

New postby mtCDCcb on Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:43 pm

Does the 2012 IBC have a definition for an enclosed parking garage or an open parking garage? We have a 3 level parking garage with no other occupancies attached. The bottom level is partially underground and the struture is not fully enclosed. I am calling it an S-2 and trying to determine if it is required to be sprinklered. I see where the key determination is whether it is considered enclosed or unenclosed and can't find a definition in the code. I have seen in other places the 80% rule. Thanks for the help.
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Re: Enclosed Parking Garage

New postby Jerry Peck - Codeman on Mon Oct 17, 2016 7:21 pm

Yes, the IBC has a definition for Open Parking Garages: (the code definition and sections below are from the 2012 IBC)
- Open Parking Garage. A structure or portion of a structure with the openings as described in Section 406.5.2 on two or more sides that is used for parking or storage of private motor vehicles as described in Section 406.5.3.

The definition takes us to Section 406.5 Open parking garages and its subsections:
- 406.5 Open parking garages. Open parking garages shall comply with Sections 406.5.1 through 406.5.11.
- - 406.5.2 Openings.
- - - (too long to re-type. but this gives you the requirements for openings to be classified as an "open parking garage").
Jerry Peck - CodeMan
Construction Litigation Consultant - Retired
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