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FBC Mechanical 307.2.4.1

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 7:18 pm
by Greg Hatfield
Hi-wall mini-split indoor units use tubing to gravity feed condensate outdoors with pitch per their IOMs. They do not have to overcome static and several mfgs I checked do not mention inline check valves or ptraps as required by 307.2.4.1, let alone require one. FBC copies ICC so what was ICC thinking when they inserted this section? Now that it is part of the code, an inspector is requiring one or the other despite arguments that mfgs do not want either installed on their hi-wall unit drains. Higher static duct models and cassettes come with a condensate pump so not required. What are your thoughts? Thanks, Greg Hatfield

Re: FBC Mechanical 307.2.4.1

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 8:00 pm
by Jerry Peck - Codeman

First, some questions:

- Is this in a one- or two-family dwelling or a townhouse, or in a "commercial" building (i.e., 'other than' the aforementioned dwellings)?
- - The difference is the code which is applicable.

- What is the manufacturer and model mini-split?
- - I.e., we need to determine exactly what the manufacturer says about the installation.

Re: FBC Mechanical 307.2.4.1

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 8:23 am
by Jerry Peck - Codeman
Jerry Peck - Codeman wrote: - What is the manufacturer and model mini-split?
- - I.e., we need to determine exactly what the manufacturer says about the installation.

The reason I asked that is if the manufacturer states to the effect of "do not trap", then installing a trap makes the installation noncompliant per the listing, labeling, manufacturer's installation instructions MII), and the code (the code requires compliance with the other items listed) ... and the code.

If the MII does not address trapping, then trapping that condescending drain would be required ... which brings us to the next part of the question - what would a compliant trap configuration be? Minimum / maximum water seal, among other trap dimension requirements.

Would a "running trap" be allowed? It us a "trap", but does no good, and in this case, potentially no harm.