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Occupancy: Baseball: Press Box, Lockers and Concession

Occupancy: Baseball: Press Box, Lockers and Concession

New postby EnE_arch on Fri Jun 09, 2017 1:19 pm

We are working on an existing High School Baseball field. The scope of work includes a three story building. Level 1 is concessions roughly 1331 sqft includes covered non-fixed seating @ 614 sqft. The second level will be lockers/coaches office roughly 1144 sqft and grandstand seating. The third level is a press box @ 261 sqft and roof top terrace @ 883 sqft.

My question is this. Can this structure (above) be-apart of the occupancy of baseball field, which is A-5 under IBC or should the new structure have it's on occupancy. Can this be included as an accessory structure? I'm trying avoid sprinkling this structure.
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Re: Occupancy: Baseball: Press Box, Lockers and Concession

New postby Jerry Peck - Codeman on Sat Jun 10, 2017 12:13 am

Jerry Peck - CodeMan
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Re: Occupancy: Baseball: Press Box, Lockers and Concession

New postby EnE_arch on Wed Jun 14, 2017 1:17 pm

Jerry thanks for the response. Do you know if there is a way to remove the sprinkler system. I'm digging for a way out, but it's not looking good. Thanks again, Chris
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Re: Occupancy: Baseball: Press Box, Lockers and Concession

New postby Jerry Peck - Codeman on Wed Jun 14, 2017 2:38 pm


The only way I can think of is to separate the accessory uses into less than 1,000 square foot fire areas by installing fire partitions - but from your description and drawing ... I am not sure that is practical.

My first step would be to contact the building official and the fire marshall to ask if separating those areas into less than 1,000 square foot fire areas would be satisfactory - it would then be up to you do determine if it was practical and feasible (I would determine that to the best of my ability prior to meeting with them - if it is not practical or feasible, then I would not even bother to go there).

You may be able to rework the design to allow creating separate fire areas, if so, then find out if that is acceptable.

Maybe check into if everything was noncombustible (structure, chairs, tables, everything) ... then there would not be the same risk of fire (other than from the patrons clothing) ... that may offset the need for sprinklers as the requirement for sprinklers is to help the occupants escape, and if nothing is combustible, then the risk of fire is very limited - just a thought, I haven't looked this up in the codes, just 'thinking out loud' so to speak.
Jerry Peck - CodeMan
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