I had a water heater burst and caused me to gut 2 apartments to studs.
In Santa Monica.
8 unit apartment with rent control.
Edison is the power company.
I am being told by the contractor that the job will require updating the main electrical panel that supplies all 8 units.
Then this will require running the new line underground instead of overhead.
the problem is that I do not have any space from the pole to the building. There is a 6-car garage that spans the entire width of the property.
1 Where do i look up the regulations for underground wiring requirements (CPUC?) ?
2 are there any variances for this scope of job? ( I had a variance a few years ago that didn't require me to install earthquake gas shut off valves since the cost would exceed a percentage of the project costs).
3 is the underground wiring reasonable since there it will require me to run a trench under an existing building?
4 Is it a grandfathered situation?