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Truss framing

New postPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 8:19 pm
by bigdog
Hi Jerry,

Just looked at a new home under construction and saw this. Although the permit was not in the box nor the truss drawings / specs I have to assume this passed. I know if the engineer signed off on it its good but......your thoughts?

David McCabe

Re: Truss framing

New postPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 9:45 pm
by Jerry Peck - Codeman
I don't like to see that type or work, but, if ... IF ... if shown on the engineering, then it is okay.

Being passed by the engineer or city does not mean it is correct, or if allowed, done correctly (like anything and everything else you look at, sign offs don't mean it is okay).

When I have seen that, I have seen the engineering specifying 3 - 16 D Common nails. While it is hard to tell from the photo, I think I see three nail heads, but I doubt those are 16 D Common nails.

I would write it up for clarification based on the truss engineering and the nailing specified on the truss engineering.

I see the truss number written near the ends of them, so they were not likely cut off on-site, likely made that way at the truss plant, but the two main questions are: Does the truss engineering show buckets or nails, and what size/how many nails.